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A little background...

Like stonewashed jeans, it’s the tumbling and constant wear that has softened my life. Learning to embrace my imperfections and unique design has freed me to live with greater purpose, curiosity and passion. A Midwesterner by birth, relocating to the South at 40 proved to be somewhat of a fiasco. A great battle with cancer at age 47 blew open the door to deeper dependence and surrender... two transforming sources of power I wouldn’t have sought on my own.


It was the cancer that ultimately allowed me to see my desire for control unfolding within the Lords hand of protection and provision. In this safe place, I found the freedom to experiment with the gifts of writing, listening, discerning, discipling and encouraging. The natural next step became certifications in grace-based life coaching. Now surrounded by an incredible cloud of witnesses, my life has become abundantly richer with pastors, counselors, coaches and friends from whom I continue to learn.


Advanced counseling/coaching training through the AACC, a Masters certification in Mental Health Coaching, 8+ years of professional practice, co-creating care-partner programs and establishing grace focused mental health initiatives within the church lends strength and safety to every client session. It's been a tremendous joy to experience many lives, including my own, transformed by hope and empowered with the latest counseling research.  


We all get stuck in the muck, but you don’t have to sit there alone.  Together, we'll seek the next right step for you.

"God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.” – St. Augustine


Certifications and Credentialing:

Master Board Certified Life Coach (AACC)

Accredited Mental Health Coach (AACC)

Grief and Loss Coaching Certified (AACC)

Grace-Focused Life Coaching (Dr. Ken Jones)

Hope Coaching Certified (for those with a life-changing diagnosis) (AACC)

Christian Care Connect member


BPO Workshop Facilitator and Leader, Hardin Life Resources

Previous Shepherding Care Coordinator, (4.5 years OMPC, Birmingham AL)

University of Northern Iowa, BA, School of Business, 1988


Contributing Writer:

A Good Confession

Dealing with Loss Through the Holidays



Soul Rest (personal intensive)

Ezra's Desire (10 week study)

Jewishness of Christ (8 week study)

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